Paper­less and per­so­na­li­sed:
Dis­co­ver our wide range of digi­tal content

Give your cus­to­mers access to more than 1,600 news­pa­pers and maga­zi­nes in 40 languages.

Media Carrier Solutions — The tailor-made ePaper solution for b2b

Be it airline, hotel or hospital: We provide you with an infotainment offer that suits your company and organisation – in your corporate design, without requiring a subscription, with or without an app and including a range of solutions for different business areas and a payment system of your choice.

Leading companies worldwide work with us

Let us tailor the right solution for your requirements

Why Media Carrier Solutions GmbH?

No tech hassle 

Web-based and inte­gra­ted into your Wi-Fi, no sub­scrip­tion, with or wit­hout an app 


Cus­to­mi­sed rea­ding mate­rial in your cor­po­rate design inclu­ding your own digi­tal brochures 

Your choice of payment system 

Cre­dits, pay­ment sys­tem, flat rate, loyalty points or free ser­vice – we deli­ver what suits you best. 


Cross-plat­form and available on any mobile device 


No need for paper and exten­sive sup­ply chains, i.e. you reduce your CO2 footprint. 

Long-standing expertise 

We were there when digi­tal publi­shing star­ted and are happy to advise you on both the Media Box or even laun­ching digi­tal edi­ti­ons from scratch. 
Media Carrier Solutions