
Offer your patients the right kind of reading material. Top publications in many languages. Hygienic handling and no extra work for your staff. 

We all struggle when we are ill, bedrid­den or in need of care and assistance.
Some­ti­mes, it is small things that can make a dif­fe­rence, such as a little dis­trac­tion when stay­ing in a hos­pi­tal or reha­bi­li­ta­tion cli­nic, while wai­ting to be exami­ned or trea­ted and ulti­m­ately when going through any kind of reco­very process.
Brow­sing through a favou­rite maga­zine or lis­tening to a pod­cast can help to free one’s mind, even if it is just for a moment. 

Providing a helping hand: Media Box premium digital infotainment

No mat­ter if cele­brity news or maga­zi­nes cove­ring sports, cars and any other hobby, rea­ding can pro­mote well­be­ing: Put tog­e­ther your own indi­vi­dual Media Box for your pati­ents , tail­o­red to their wis­hes and age, from our exten­sive range of ePa­pers with natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal news­pa­pers and maga­zi­nes in many lan­guages. As lis­tening is some­ti­mes easier than rea­ding, our port­fo­lio also includes a large sel­ec­tion of podcasts.

Web-based solution for easy access

Our user-fri­endly Media Box is web-based, does not require a sub­scrip­tion nor an app and is available on any device via your Wi-Fi,
to enable digi­tal rea­ding at any time.
Users can also down­load and save their favou­rite maga­zi­nes for later reading. 

Clean and sustainable

Our digi­tal library is a per­fect option for hos­pi­tals where hygiene mat­ters. As each pati­ent only uses their own mobile device to read their digi­tal news­pa­per or maga­zine and only tou­ches the dis­play to down­load, turn pages or scroll, germs do not tra­vel. Paper is a thing of the past — your eco-balance will be happy too.

A win-win for everyone

Our expert IT team will cus­to­mise our white label Media Box to match the cor­po­rate design of your faci­lity so that pati­ents feel at home when rea­ding their digi­tal publications.
You only need to decide on the digi­tal publi­ca­ti­ons and pod­casts you want to inte­grate in your Media Box
and we take care of the rest, from sto­cking your Media Box with your cho­sen publi­ca­ti­ons to Wi-Fi integration. 

Tip: Our digi­tal rea­ding ser­vice not only enhan­ces your range of pati­ent ser­vices. Why not make the Media Box available to your employees, too?