
Provide your guests with the best reading material. Sustainable, easily accessible and without causing any extra work for your staff. 

Your guests want to relax and unwind.
Howe­ver, they also want to be enter­tai­ned and stay infor­med about cur­rent events hap­pe­ning at home and around the world.
Whe­ther they want to dive into “Cos­mo­po­li­tan” by the pool, browse through the latest issue of “News­week” in the lounge or read a daily news­pa­per, the Media Box pro­vi­des your guests with easily acces­si­ble digi­tal publi­ca­ti­ons at all times.


A customised solution for your hotel with round-the-clock access

Using our Media Box means that you do not need to handle ton­nes of prin­ted paper in your hotel. It con­ta­ins a wide-ran­ging digi­tal port­fo­lio of more than 1,600 news­pa­pers, maga­zi­nes, tra­vel gui­des and pod­casts in 40 lan­guages that is always at hand. On their own smart­phone or tablet, which is in daily use any­way, every guest can read or lis­ten to exactly what inte­rests them — at any time during their hotel stay, in their hotel room, at recep­tion, by the pool or in the spa and fit­ness area.
User-fri­endly soft­ware, wit­hout a sub­scrip­tion, with or wit­hout an app, with an indi­vi­du­ally tail­o­red offer, cross-plat­form and available on any end device. Con­ve­ni­ent saving and later rea­ding is of course also pos­si­ble.

No extra work for your staff – no hassle with technology

How do your guests access the offer?
We know that in times of staff shorta­ges extra work for your hotel staff or IT team needs to be avo­ided at all costs. One more reason why our digi­tal media box is web-based and can be easily inte­gra­ted into your hotel Wi-Fi. Our user-fri­endly soft­ware is intui­tive to use so that guests can easily get started.

Customised solution to fit with your hotel’s corporate design

Our expert IT team will inte­grate your cus­to­mi­sed con­tent as well as your hotel bro­chu­res based on your cor­po­rate design.
We will also take care of purcha­sing the con­tent, hand­ling licence rights, export­ing the con­tent and qua­lity con­trol. All you need to do is inform your guests about the offer.
Should you wish to charge your guests for the use of your digi­tal media library, we can inte­grate a sui­ta­ble pay­ment solu­tion for you, such as cre­dits or a flat rate. 

Find out how the Media Box can make your hotel ope­ra­ti­ons more sus­tainable and enable a top guest expe­ri­ence – we look for­ward to hea­ring from you!

Media Carrier Solutions