Public ser­vices sector

Provide relevant reading material to take the boredom out of waiting. Easily accessible and in your branding. 

“Thanks for your pati­ence, we will be with you shortly …”.

Who doesn’t know the clas­sic „on hold“ mes­sage which is, for many, one of the cur­ses of the 21st cen­tury. When­ever peo­ple have to wait because the cir­cum­s­tances force them to do so, they tend to get bored and annoyed, hoping that they will be reli­e­ved from this unp­lea­sant state as soon as pos­si­ble.
We know that wai­ting times can often sim­ply not be avo­ided. Howe­ver, there are things that can be done to make these moments more enjoya­ble: With our Media Box, bore­dom can be tur­ned into enga­ging info­tain­ment. While peo­ple are wai­ting for public or other ser­vices, let them access our digi­tal media library and turn their “lost time” into some­thing altog­e­ther more valuable.

Top digital infotainment beats any hold music

The Media Box is a digi­tal library con­tai­ning more than 1,600 news­pa­pers, maga­zi­nes and tra­vel gui­des in some 40 lan­guages. You can pick and choose from this range to curate your per­so­nal coll­ec­tion of sui­ta­ble con­tent that fits the requi­re­ments of your audi­ence. In addi­tion, we pro­vide digi­tal con­tent for child­ren when they get bored wai­ting and test their parent’s pati­ence. And as lis­tening is some­ti­mes easier than rea­ding, our port­fo­lio also includes a large sel­ec­tion of podcasts.

Media Box: all you need is Wi-Fi

Our user-fri­endly Media Box is web-based, does not require a sub­scrip­tion, can be used with or wit­hout an app and is available on any device via your Wi-Fi, to enable digi­tal rea­ding at any time. Should their turn come soo­ner than expec­ted, users can also save the news­pa­pers or maga­zi­nes they star­ted rea­ding for later off­line access. Very handy indeed!

Clean and sustainable

As users only have to touch their own device to scroll, browse or down­load their digi­tal con­tent, the Media Box pro­vi­des a sui­ta­bly hygie­nic solu­tion ins­tead of news­pa­pers and maga­zi­nes that have gone through many hands and ine­vi­ta­bly get dirty.

Pro­vi­ding digi­tal con­tent also means that you save on paper and con­tri­bute to making your ope­ra­ti­ons more sus­tainable.

Customised design

Our expert IT team will cus­to­mise our white label Media Box to match your organisation’s cor­po­rate design so that users know at a glance who is pro­vi­ding this digi­tal con­tent ser­vice. You only need to decide on the maga­zi­nes, news­pa­pers and pod­casts you want to inte­grate in your Media Box and we take care of the rest, from sto­cking your Media Box with your cho­sen publi­ca­ti­ons to Wi-Fi inte­gra­tion. Simple.