Provide your passengers with their favourite reading material. Always up to date, in multiple languages and without causing any extra weight.
From waiting around in the lounge or at the gate to whiling away the time on board –
passengers require entertainment offers that enhance their airport and flying experience.
If you opt for our smart infotainment offering, our digital media library will impress your customers right from the start.
With more than 1,600 newspapers and magazines, travel guides and podcasts in some 40 languages, every passenger will find something to their liking in our Media Box
– and time spent at the gate and on board will simply fly by.

No subscription, with or without an app, no complicated log-in processes
Your passengers should at any time have easy access to their reading material.
This is why our digital media library is user-friendly, intuitive and works cross-platform on any device.
Users can also save their content and read it later.
Customised solution for your airline
Your Media Box will be customised based on your requirements. You decide which publications your passengers can access and you choose your preferred payment option.
We can also easily integrate your in-flight magazines.
Be it for your lounge, at the gate or for your in-flight entertainment programme, we can compile various offers for different areas of use.
Using the Media Box for advertising
The Media Box can also be used as an advertising platform
and you can sell banner ads or other formats to provide additional relevant content for your customers.
On request, we can also set up your Media Box as a shop
so that you will receive a commission for every digital edition sold and downloaded by your passengers.
Easy integration into your Wi-Fi
As a white label solution, our service is easily integrated into airport lounge or on- board Wi-Fi.
You can inform your passengers about your new infotainment service with their booking confirmation, in reminder emails, in newsletters, at web check-in or in your app.