
Provide your passengers with their favourite reading material. Always up to date, in multiple languages and without causing any extra weight. 

From wai­ting around in the lounge or at the gate to whiling away the time on board –

pas­sen­gers require enter­tain­ment offers that enhance their air­port and fly­ing experience.
If you opt for our smart info­tain­ment offe­ring, our digi­tal media library will impress your cus­to­mers right from the start.
With more than 1,600 news­pa­pers and maga­zi­nes, tra­vel gui­des and pod­casts in some 40 lan­guages, every pas­sen­ger will find some­thing to their liking in our Media Box
– and time spent at the gate and on board will sim­ply fly by. 


No subscription, with or without an app, no complicated log-in processes

Your pas­sen­gers should at any time have easy access to their rea­ding material.
This is why our digi­tal media library is user-fri­endly, intui­tive and works cross-plat­form on any device.
Users can also save their con­tent and read it later. 

Customised solution for your airline

Your Media Box will be cus­to­mi­sed based on your requi­re­ments. You decide which publi­ca­ti­ons your pas­sen­gers can access and you choose your pre­fer­red pay­ment option.
We can also easily inte­grate your in-flight magazines. 

Be it for your lounge, at the gate or for your in-flight enter­tain­ment pro­gramme, we can com­pile various offers for dif­fe­rent areas of use.

Using the Media Box for advertising

The Media Box can also be used as an adver­ti­sing platform
and you can sell ban­ner ads or other for­mats to pro­vide addi­tio­nal rele­vant con­tent for your customers. 

On request, we can also set up your Media Box as a shop
so that you will receive a com­mis­sion for every digi­tal edi­tion sold and down­loa­ded by your passengers. 

Easy integration into your Wi-Fi

As a white label solu­tion, our ser­vice is easily inte­gra­ted into air­port lounge or on- board Wi-Fi.
You can inform your pas­sen­gers about your new info­tain­ment ser­vice with their boo­king con­fir­ma­tion, in remin­der emails, in news­let­ters, at web check-in or in your app. 

Media Carrier Solutions